
Balboa park and a love affair with the bougainvillea

Casa del Prado Theater

Beautiful bougainvillea everywhere!

Lily pond outside of the Botanical garden

Balboa park is magical.  I started coming here when I first moved to San Diego, in 2003.  At that time it was all about wine and cheese picnics with friends on a lazy Sunday or an outdoor movie, projected onto the wall of one of the museums.  Fast forward a good 6 years and I was pregnant with my first, Michael. We lived within walking distance of Balboa so many nights of the week we would take long walks through the park.  After my son was born we went there almost daily.  We had to, there was a newborn in the house and we were living in our 472 sq foot condo, fresh air was in order! I went back to work and my husband stayed at home for a few years. Everyday, without fail, he'd strap Michael into the Bjorn or Ergo and be out the door to Balboa Park.
Yesterday was a great day.  I got off of work a little bit early, picked the kids up from school and we headed out for an adventure.  I'll never grow tired of this amazing place, how could you?  The architecture is beautiful, there are flowers constantly in bloom, history and art museums and I find myself, now having two kids, discovering new things I'd never before seen or noticed, every time we go.  If you are ever in San Diego, Balboa Park is a must see.

What are your some of the must see places in your city?  I would to love to hear about them.

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